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Sales Executive

Best massage I’ve had hands down, very relaxed and got the knots out of my back that I had for a long time.


I love Marie’s treatments, always come away feeling wonderful and get a great night’s sleep.  Looking forward to my next visit already 😊


Marie has a calmness about her that makes you instantly relax. Her back massage is so relaxing while working on difficult area’. She also cares about her clients. I would highly recommend Marie Holistic Therapy.


I have suffered from weekly tension headaches for many years, a friend suggested Marie and I am now pain free.


I have been an equestrian for most of my life.  In my 60’s now, the wear and tear and past accidents are having their effect.  The pain in my shoulders was keeping me awake at night and movement with my arms was very limited.  My lower back made standing painful and I was generally in a lot of discomfort.  I started going to Marie on a recommendation from a friend.  After a few visits I suddenly realised that pain was not waking me up at night and my movements were so much easier.  Marie has an uphill battle as I refuse to give up my horses, but she keeps me mobile and out of pain. I can’t recommend her enough.

Insurance Broker

My main areas of concern where my neck and lines that have appeared around my mouth and lips.

Initially I was a little skeptical that the  Natural Faces Lift Massage would produce any results, I was pleasantly surprised to find after a couple of treatments that my skin tone had improved, and my face felt more defined and tighter.  The most improved was my nose.

The experience was very relaxing and soothing even whilst my face was having the equivalent of a mini workout.

I will continue with the treatment to maintain the results achieved and would recommend the treatment to other people.


Reflexology is mind blowing

When I started coming to Marie I was immediately drawn to the full body massage. As someone who trains intensely at the gym I wanted to reduce the lactic acid build up in my muscles  which can be quite painful. Marie suggested that I try reflexology. During the treatment I realised how relaxed I was and felt relief in giving myself a break. At the end of the treatment until the next day I was very tiered and felt like  all the  built up tension had been washed away.

I can honestly say this treatment helps me sleep, and my performance at the gym. My mental state and my energy levels have improved.

Marie has provided me with a way to keep on top of my well-being.

Young Mum

Marie created a very calm and relaxing environment for the IHM.  I was particularly stiff and tense from carrying my 4-month-old and holding him in a feeding position. Marie worked all the area’s around my head, neck, shoulders, back and face leaving me feeling invigorated and re-charged easing my ache’s which I was surprised about. 

Marie made me feel very comfortable during the treatment, the ultimate professional.  I would certainly have the IHM again, from Marie, not something I had previously treed, I found it to be very beneficial.


My overall impression of the Natural Face lift Massage is very relaxing and enjoyable.  My face feels more alive and suppler after the session.

I would highly recommend as this is a proper ‘feel good’ treatment and its always lovely to be pampered.  It gave me a confidence boost and it was great when someone commented that I looked different.


Surgery left my right eyebrow paralyzed after a few treatments I got FULL movement back in this eyebrow, also the treatments eased my headaches.  The Natural Face Lift Massage was very relaxing and has aided my self-confidence.  I’d defiantly recommend it to other its not only achieving my main goal, it allows me to relax which aids my anxiety, It is definitely a treatment to be talked about and recommended.  It’s amazing.

Retired Therapist

Treatment have been a total relax time for me.  One occasion felt as if big lump of tension escaped from chest area, via a huge sigh.  It felt a very spiritual connected treatment.  Other sessions I have slept a lot of the time.

Yes, I will continue as I feel better, more relaxed and coping better with the demands of my life as a career to my husband who has several chronic conditions.  Also, my face looks a little fresher and rejuvenated.  Can’t hope for better than that already recommended to others


I had the non surgical face lift treatment which incurred 6 +1 treatments lasting an hour.
I have never had anything like this before. The difference was amazing. And on top of that, it was so relaxing, so much so that I actually fell asleep on a few of these treatments.
I would absolutely recommend this treatment if you’re looking for a boost or have a special occasion to go to. My 14 year old son noticed a difference after my first treatment and that speaks volumes.
I will definitely be returning for more treatments.

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