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Pregnancy Massage

A pregnancy massage is a great way of aiding relief from aches and pains and everyday stresses, it promotes relaxation by using a combination of Swedish massage and Shiatsu techniques. 


It can help to:


  • Regulate breathing patterns

  • Promote relaxation

  • Alleviate of anxiety & stress

  • Promote bonding with your baby

  • R

    elieve muscular-skeletal discomfort

  • Promote

    circulation & relief of oedema (swelling) in the upper and lower extremities.

  • Improve the

    digestive process






Key Facts


Massage cannot take place in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Your birthing partner is welcome to attend any of the 4 treatments so that I can guide them through how to help you during your pregnancy and also at the birth.

NYR’s mother’s massage oil is used to enhances the experience with relaxing neroli and includes vitamin E-rich wheatgerm oil for skin-nourishing.

























The treatment begins with a seated back massage to relieve lower back pain which can radiate down into the legs, so several soothing, stretching and pressure movements are used to relax and ease tension in these areas. In later stages of pregnancy relaxation of the sacro-illac joints, caused by the release of hormones, can cause this lower back pain. Further, the massage relieves tension in the shoulders and neck caused by extra weight around the bra area.


Now you get an opportunity to fully relax on the couch, where extra pillows will be provided to ensure that you are totally comfortable, this part of the treatment begins with a facial and scalp massage which is a great way to feel good and start to unwind. 


The Arms, hands, legs and feet are massaged to increase circulation and to aid lymphatic drainage because in pregnancy cramps and fluid retention are a major cause of discomfort. 

  • Leg cramps can occur - usually during the night - this is due to circulatory changes, the weight of the uterus and muscle fatigue.

  • F

    luid retention, caused by rising levels of hormones and a relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, in the feet, ankles and hands (oedema) due to the body retaining more water than normal. Mums can also suffer from a condition called ‘carpel tunnel syndrome’ (compression of the median nerve in the wrist) which can occur due to fluid retention in this area.


You will be encouraged to rest a while after the treatment and drink some water.




Full body massage - 60 mins - £45.00


Back Massage - 45 mins - £40.00


Mellowed out mama - £160.00

(Four 60 mins treatments paid in advance)

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