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Facial Rejuvenation

Natural face life massage

Facial Rejuvenation, also known as a Natural Face Lift Massage, is a unique holistic treatment. This natural treatment can revitalise skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Its energy balancing and relaxing qualities can provide positive benefits to your overall health and wellbeing.

The treatment combines smoothing, ironing and lifting techniques, which encourage the release of restrictions in the skin’s connective tissue leaving skin looking fresh, while also working on the dermal level to restore its suppleness and flexibility.  It relaxes tense muscle improving circulation which helps to restore colour, reduce puffiness and drain sinuses. 



The treatment is carried out without any oils and is perfect if you have sensitive skin. It culminates with an ear and scalp massage for complete relaxation. It is at this point that facial oils can be added. Facial oils are applied to replenish your skin’s natural moisture levels while helping protect it from future moisture loss.



This treatment, developed by Kundan and Narendra Mehtra of the London Centre of Indian Champissage, is non-invasive and is a wonderful and unique blend between both Eastern and Western techniques, working in complete harmony with your body’s natural anti-ageing defence systems. 





The treatment begins with relaxation and energy balancing, followed by the activation of specific acupressure points on the face. Friction movements with varying degrees of pressure are then applied all over the face and neck to detect areas of tension and encourages the relaxation of habitual facial expressions.

Then the treatment moves to one side of the face where smoothing techniques to desquamate and ‘iron out’ fine lines and wrinkles, followed by deeper techniques to release restrictions in the connective tissue of the dermis and lift the underlying facial muscles. Finally finger pressure is applied for deeper releases.

These techniques are repeated on the other side.

The treatment finishes with lymphatic drainage, and a scalp massage for complete relaxation.

The treatment takes an hour, and although a difference can be seen after just one treatment the effects are cumulative and work best over a six week course followed by monthly maintenance.



60 mins - £45.00


Pay in advance for 5 treatments and get the 6th one free.


Pay as you go with a loyalty card for 6 full price treatments get the 7th free.



Treatment Combinations


Full Body Massage and Natural Face Lift Massage 2 hours - £70.00


Reflexology and Natural Face Lift Massage 1 hour and 45 mins - £67.50




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