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Ear Candles 

Ear candles are a painless, non-invasive and relaxing treatment.  It can help to improve symptoms of ailments such as sinusitis, headaches, vertigo, hearing loss, blocked ears, hay fever, and tinnitus.

In a relaxed state, the candle affects the body’s systems which allows the Eustachian, sinuses and lymphatic system to open and drain.



I only use candles approved by the FHT which are made with a blend of oils, herbs, flax (organically grown cotton) honey, beeswax chamomile, sage and St Johns wort. A very relaxing therapy that promotes self-healing and relaxation.



Ear candles are an ancient and natural therapy which is an energy modality more akin to acupuncture than an ear syringe.  It is believed that the Ancient Greeks used ear candles initially for cleaning then for purifying and healing on a spiritual basis. Ear candles were used traditionally by the Shamen healers of the native North American Hopi Indian Tribe in their initiation rituals and healing ceremonies.





During a treatment the client will lie down on one side in a comfortable position with the head supported.  The candle will be lit and placed gently in the outer ear passage, where the candle creates a light vortex. The flame creates heat and a vibration of air which helps to increase blood flow, stimulate lymphatic drainage and restore balance.  It takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes for a candle to burn, once the first candle is completed the process is repeated on the other ear.

The treatment culminates with a gentle massage of the reflex points on and around the ear as well as a cooling face massage using a Jade roller to brighten the complexion, increase blood circulation and assist with lymphatic drainage.




45 mins - £40.00


Pay in advance for 5 treatments and get the 6th one free.


Pay as you go with a loyalty card for 6 full price treatments get the 7th free.



A great add on to any Treatment

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