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Covid-19 policy

To minimise risk of contracting and spreading Covid-19 I have reviewed my procedures and implemented the following policy based on the advice from my professional body FHT (The Federation of Holistic Therapists).  I will continue to review and update this based on the latest guidance from the UK government, NHS, World Health Organisation (WHO) and BMJ (British Medical Journal) Best Practice.





  • I will need to take your forehead temperature to ensure that it is not above 37ºC as per NHS Directive.

  • Hand Sanitiser will be supplied.




  • I will be wearing a face mask and visor.

  • I request that you also wear a face mask.

  • I will not be wearing gloves unless I have a cut on my hands but they will be sanitised.

  • Hand washing facilities available, including soap and hot water.

  • I have replaced all my pillows with non-porous bolsters, to allow for easier cleaning.

  • I will continue to use single use towels and sarongs which as always will be changed between client's

  • Unfortunately, I will not be able to use my throws but if you would like to feel extra cozy please bring your own fleecy throw.

  • I will make use of disposable couch roll where possible.

  • Greater gap between appointments to allow for appropriate additional cleaning and ventilation protocols.

  • Clients will be contacted 24 hours before their appointment for additional screening and to complete the COVID-19 consent form to ensure each client has no symptoms.

  • A relaxed cancellation policy.

  • Could you please bring a bottle of drinking water to be taken after your treatment.


I hope this information puts your mind at ease, but please do get in touch if you have any other concerns around the COVID-19 policies.

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