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ayurvedic kansa vatki foot massage

I am privileged to be able to offer this unique treatment, which is a foot massage with a difference.

A wonderful way to rejuvenate tired feet by relieving tension and increasing the mobility in the lower limbs.  The treatment calms the body and restores the body’s innate healing energies while relaxing the mind and spirit.

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Key Facts

The massage is performed on the feet and lower leg, using both hands and a metal bowl known as Kansa Vatki.


The clue is in the name:-

Ayurvedic means “science of life” and is a holistic view of health and wellbeing. The basis of this philosophy is that one is capable of taking charge of one's own health and healing through the creation an harmonious union of the mind, body and spirit.

The Kansa Vatki is a small bowl, made from copper, zinc and tin and is known in Ayurveda as the “healing metal”.

Copper – believed to aid in reducing pain and inflammation

Zinc – believed to aid the digestive and immune systems.

Tin -  believed to aid digestion, headaches and insomnia.




A Kansa Vatki massage is a great way to relieve tension.  The treatment begins by cleansing the feet and legs before a thorough massage with coconut oil. The massage is performed with hands and the Kansa Vatki (the healing metal bowl).  The techniques used loosen up superficial muscle tension and remove foot and leg fatigue. During the application of these techniques, vital energy and blood circulation is improved in the feet and legs.

Some stretching techniques are applied which increase the flexibility of the ankles, toes and the muscles to the feet.

Various marma points (vital energy points) are stimulated on the feet, ankles and legs.  The stimulation of these points is used to treat various conditions to bring relief and help you re-connect with the universal life force and rebalance your own innate healing energy.

The seven Chakras are accessed on the soles of the feet by use of both the hands and the bowl to balance the body's energy.


45 mins - £40.00

Pay in advance for 5 treatments and get the 6th one free.


Pay as you go with a loyalty card for 6 full price treatments get the 7th free.

Treatment Combinations

Full Body Massage and Kansa Vakti Foot Massage 1 hour and 45 mins - £67.50

Indian Head Massage and Kansa Vakti Foot Massage 1 hour and 30 mins £60.00

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