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about ME


Welcome to Marie’s Holisitcs. I am a complementary therapist with over thirteen years of experience. As a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapist FHT  I follow the highest professional standards.


I offer a range of treatments and use only quality products.  Most of my skin and body care products are from Tropic who use fresh natural ingredients to create their vegan cruelty free products, which are safe to use, and give great results.


My treatments are designed to offer what is right for you in a stress-free and relaxed environment. Come for a standard treatment or mix and match to suit your needs.


I am passionate about my holistic journey and love the way new things appear just when you need them.  I am interested in all therapies and try out as many as possible. I’ve found that the right therapy and the right therapist is not always a constant. We change and evolve, so we need different things  at different times in our life.


I know that to find balance and harmony in my life I need to listen to my body and make time for regular treatments. My personal “can’t miss” favourite is my monthly reflexology with my mentor and dear friend Barbara Newman. 


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My treatment room provides a calm environment for total relaxation and is situated on the ground floor. There is step free access into the property and toilet facilities are also on the ground floor.




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I am a Tropic Ambassador - Please contact me if you would have any questions or visit my Tropic website by clicking on the logo, or order directly from me.

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